OneTribe Church COVID Guidelines
Welcome back! Your safety is our priority as OneTribe Church. These are guidelines on protective measures we have taken to ensure everyone in our space feels safe as we fellowship together in the new year amidst the fading out Covid-19.
Every Sunday morning:
At the Registration Table:
Preservice, During Service and Post Service:
○ Seating arrangement will be according to the social distance guideline as well
○ Family members are free to sit together. We have made provision for 2 and 3 seats together
To help take care of each other:
Every Sunday morning:
- All the spaces to be used by OneTribe Church will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
- Once you come through the gate, your car and all bags will be checked by the facility guards.
- On security checkpoint, there will be screening for all on the following:
- Your body temperature is below 37.5 degrees.
- Your mask is properly worn – those without a mask will be issued with one.
- You have washed your hands or sanitized on the stations provided on the premises.
At the Registration Table:
- If you sign in on the link sent during the week, this will be a walk through which minimizes crowding at the registration desk.
- You will be checked in on the registration list by our Welcome Team.
- Hand sanitizer and spare face masks will be available at the Welcome desk.
- Do you still have your Covid-19 wristband? Don’t forget to bring it with you! Those without one will get one with their social distancing preference colour;
- Red (No Contact)
- Yellow (Elbows Only)
- Green (Open)
Preservice, During Service and Post Service:
- Everyone will be required to maintain social distance at all times (guided by their wristband cue)
○ Seating arrangement will be according to the social distance guideline as well
○ Family members are free to sit together. We have made provision for 2 and 3 seats together
- Everyone will be required to wear their face mask at all times with their nose, mouth and chin covered
- Everyone will be required to have their wristband on, at all times
- All windows and doors will be wide open during the entire church service
- Microphones and any other common use equipment will not be shared. Social distance will be maintained on stage during all group participation
- Church service will be strictly from 10.00am to 11.30am. Chai and Mandazi will be provided after the service with high sanitization and catering precautions observed
To help take care of each other:
- Cover your cough or sneeze with your inner elbow. Use a tissue and dispose it into a trash can immediately after use. Maintain good hand hygiene by washing with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
- Immediately report any potential Covid-19 symptoms or confirmed cases to an Elder or Staff member. Immediate action will be taken to help the person urgently seek medical attention. Feel free to also report any alarming situation or incidence to the church phone 0798 363 475.
- We highly recommend that anyone with high risk health situation or feeling unwell should continue attending our online church gathering until they feel well enough to attend in-person meetings
- For any further inquiries, don’t hesitate to get in touch on the church phone 0798363475
OneTribe Kids COVID Guidelines
As we reopen our in-person Sunday meetings, we would like to ensure your safety and that of all OneTribe kids. We are looking forward to this Sunday being the first of the year and we’d like to share with you our safety guidelines specifically designed for all parents.
As members come into the Das Bayern (Kigwa) Premises, there will be provision to wash hands or sanitize right before the welcome table. Face masks will be available to all children and any other member who may not have one.
- Registration will happen only once giving basic details of the name of parent/guardian, names and number of children in company, child’s age and date of birth.
- All Sunday attendance registrations thereafter, will be done by volunteers in their respective classes.
- To eliminate use of pen and paper, we have provided ipads to be used for registration
Parents with Children Under 5
- It is advised that parents with children under 5 years of age, choose whether to let their children wear face masks, however all children above the age of five will be required to wear masks for their own safety.
- There is provision, for parents with children under the age of 5, to sit with their children in class to aid in anything that will require physical contact, eg, cuddling and bathroom use.
- All classrooms will be sanitized as well as seats, toys and other items to be used by the children.
- Volunteers will wear masks and ensure all safety guidelines are followed.
- All classrooms will meet outdoors as a first option however in case of unfavourable weather conditions, there is provision for meetings to happen indoors.
- Each classroom will have masks and sanitizers available for all.
- For safety reasons, we are advising against sharing crayons, pencils and paper, therefore we have put on pause all writing materials for all children especially those under 5 years.
- OneTribe Kids will keep, within the first aid kit, a thermogun to be used in the event that any child, parent or volunteer has any covid symptom.
- If symptoms are confirmed, this information will be shared with the OneTribe Kids point person, child’s parent and a staff team member to aid in the Immediate care of the child.
- To Remember
- We ask that parents pack water and snacks (optional) for their children to avoid overcrowding around water stations within the classrooms and to minimize any accidental sharing of cups.
- Finally, For safety reasons OneTribe Kids worship service will be put on hold until further notice.
For any inquiries you can contact Ler at 0712657793